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October 15, 2022 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Join us for an afternoon with Bruce Smith, wildlife biologist, science writer, and children's fiction author!
To celebrate the release of the second in his "Legend Keepers" series, Bruce Smith will be signing books and delivering a visual presentation at 1:30 PM!
In addition to "Legend Keepers: The Chosen One" and "Legend Keepers: The Partnership," Smith is the author of "Life On the Rocks: A Portrait of the American Mountain Goat," "Where Elk Roam," "Wildlife on the Wind," "Stories From Afield: Adventures With Wild Things in Wild Places," and more.
Bruce Smith is a wildlife biologist who holds a PhD in Zoology. During his career with the federal government, he studied and managed most large mammal species that roam the western United States.
He's authored five nonfiction books of natural history, conservation, and outdoor adventure.
He spent three years studying mountain goats in Montana's Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area - and
many days afield with binoculars and camera since - which provided an enduring affection for the subject of
Life on the Rocks: A Portrait of the Mountain Goat, winner of the National Outdoor Book Award.
many days afield with binoculars and camera since - which provided an enduring affection for the subject of
Life on the Rocks: A Portrait of the Mountain Goat, winner of the National Outdoor Book Award.
Legend Keepers: The Chosen One, received a Feathered Quill Silver Medal Award in two categories!